Thursday, March 12, 2009


I have a lot to say, yet I don't know where to start. I'm being kept awake at night pondering about stuff. Unfortunately, those things that keep you awake are usually the negative ones. The one thing that is draining me out, is not tutoring, not my undergrad stuff nor is it the job hunting. It is something else.

I enjoy tutoring, a lot. The thought and evidence of making a difference to a student gives me that sense of satisfaction. Time consuming to prepare extra worksheets, but it keeps me going. Due for graduation soon, I can't bear to leave what I'm doing now, but all things will come to an end, and I think something else is waiting for me somewhere, and I will move on. Job hunting is not an issue at all. At most I'd just stick to tutoring. Jobs, there will be. Dream jobs? I'm not so sure.

Speaking of that, I submitted an application to write for a magazine. Ha ha. No essay questions to answer fortunately. We'll see how that goes.

Some people who see me occasionally always pop the same question, "How's life?"

Well, life is good. I'm enjoying life as it is, knowing that what ever I do now may never come as an opportunity again. So I'm just bask in whatever I'm doing now. That includes going out on dates and plain having fun before the full time job begins.

Coming to that, you might be curious as to how's things with that guy? Well, he's busy, so am I. Occasional sms-es, phone calls, that's it.

Sometimes I feel lost, yet sometimes I feel that I'm lucky. I guess the trick is to be thankful for what you have, and life might just seem better.

Focus on what you have, and not what you do not have.