Friday, September 26, 2008

Natural Way to Shed Some Fats

"Solidarity forever, Solidarity forever,

Solidarity forever, For the union makes us strong."

The song is still ringing in my head.

This week has been rather eventful with the Westward Movement, Industrialization and WWI.

But know what? It's also the week of shedding fats.

I always realize that when lectures,

Daily assignments and readings,

Tuition and toast-masters all come together at the same time,

There is little time to watch teevee and stone.

That means, the time for snacking reduces.

With the daily rush in the morning till the sleepy zombie at night,

The appetite really goes. It's more like eating for survival.

Apparently, my taste buds don't function as well too.

But judging from the time now, I should be catching some winks.

Till the end of WWI tomorrow...
