Friday, December 28, 2007


Sometimes I question the purpose of our 3-day in-total-10-hour tutorials,

Which are taught by local lecturers,

While our lectures are taught by OCU faculty.

Usually the ang mohs don't know the local lecturers,

So, tutorials are based very lil' on what the OCU lecturers said.

I just feel like skipping tutorials at times,

But for the sake of attendance,

The sake of just listening and getting in some new knowledge,

I shall persevere and attend all tutorials.

If it's just to add on to your brochures saying that you have:

31.5(lecture hours) + 10 (Tutorial hours) = 41.5 hours,

It's quite pointless.

No point wasting 10 hours of my time which I could earn potentially:

10 hours x S$20 = S$200.

Now who said time is not money?