Sunday, April 18, 2010


I think I might have made a wrong choice. I am dreading work!

Maybe... It's not for me.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

As Predicted.

Here I am, blogging on a Saturday night. Well, the good news is I am now confirmed as a permanent staff. On my first official day, I slogged till 4.20am. This kinda celebration for my first official day definitely is not what I would like, but oh well.

I was slaving for 2 pitches which were due on the same day. Needless to say, the art director I paired up with had to stay back even later than I needed to. Oh, and remember my last blog post, I talked about him going to give no ideas? I was wrong about it. He had a decent idea and we went along with it. Let's see how things go from here.

So on Friday, the boss treated us to dinner. His budget was $50-60 per person. We were at Harry's bar at Esplanade and yeah, it was a good meal. But there's this underlying worry. After something good, much more work is gonna pour in. Like how we were rewarded with a company trip to KL but when we went back to the next day, everyone had to work OT. This time round, I wonder that's coming...

I believe that while such treats are essential, words of praise and appreciation work the best. Bosses don't have to give treats all the time. Just a short meeting to appreciate the effort and hard work put in would do. It's demoralizing to slog till the wee hours and when the bosses see you, they say nothing at all. But I've come to realize that bosses are humans too. They, too make mistakes. And one such mistake that should not be made is the absence of praise or appreciation. A few words of appreciation would boost morale and you can expect better work the next time. But duh.

It's okay though. If they want it to be like that, then I guess we could all think like that - I work for you, you give me the money. And how long would you expect your employees to stay? Not long. So good luck people.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Can't Help But Worry.

There are 2 new jobs to begin on Monday (officially now). I'm worried. After what I've seen with a potentially screwed up 70k job, I'm even more worried than ever. I didn't screw up. I helped to secure the 70k job with my liner. But the design this time round... Sighs.

I'm only the writer, I give you the lines. You, as the art person, should know how to execute the job. Don't need me to tell you how the design should look like right?

I know I shouldn't be worrying about what I can't have control over. But when I'm part of the job, how to not worry? I'm starting to brainstorm myself at 11-ish on a Sunday night. I hope it'll at least save your ass tomorrow during the brainstorming session. I'll only do what's within my scope and ability. Hope things turn out fine tomorrow.

Friday, April 09, 2010


Aye, and when I'm here, another 5 days have gone by. This week has been pre-hell-ish, and I expect next week to be miserably worse. And it doesn't really help when a newbie like me is paired up with a CMI director. He is potentially screwing up a 70k job. *Shakes head*

A friend asked me what's up with me nowadays. I did a simple calculation and this was what I told him: I spend about 15 hours in the office, 8 hours at home and 1 hour travelling (taking a cab takes half a hour from home to work and vice versa) on a bad day. On a rather normal day, I spend about 9 hours in the office, 3 hours travelling and 12 hours at home.

On bad days, 8 hours is purely spent on bathing and sleeping. On better days, 8 hours sleeping and 4 hours eating, bathing, watching tv and just sitting around. Aye, working life + advertising industry = no life + little sleep + dry eyes only half open.

Let's see how long more I can tahan. I reckon pretty much more now that I'm only in my early twenties. But mid-twenties is also coming soon.

Now, I don't feel like typing anymore. Let's see what's up for the weekend - sleep in on Saturday then babysit. Half day out on Sunday then it's back to work. WORK!!!

Readers, the next time I calculate I'm back here typing, it's Friday or Saturday.

Sunday, April 04, 2010

Yet Another Week.

So, another week whizzed past. And, another year zoomed past. I'm hitting my birthday in less than 2 weeks' time. I felt like I haven't lived my 22-year-old life and poof, 23 comes. Nowadays, I count the years when people ask me how old I am. Time is just passing too fast for me to catch up. Plus, with work - blah, time rockets even speedier than before!

No matter what, youth is still with me, for now. Gotta cherish, gotta live it while it's still here...

The weekend's coming to an end. How quick. But a long weekend means a rested weekend for me, at least I'm feeling rested so far. Had a nice Saturday with an Easter Egg Hunt the kiddos prepared for me. (:

I don't exactly look forward to Monday, but I'm kinda waiting for an answer. Let's see.