Saturday, March 21, 2009

The Saturday

It's Saturday and I woke up at 6.15am to head for 8.30am lessons today. After much discussion on social stratification, sex education yadda yadda yadda, which there seems to be a trend to discuss stuff from the next chapter as well. It was nice to skip a quiz today but I did read the chapter lah, so why no quiz?!?!?! That means all quizzes will go into the final scores...

After some fried tapioca and fried sweet potato balls, tons of ironing of my clothes, here am I sitting with one leg on the computer chair like an ah pek, resting a lil' and waiting for time to pass before I head out to town again.

Three days more of Dr. Infectious Ha Ha Ha... The readings... can be interesting yet tedious. Anyway, this is really the last lap.

Now, I should head to read my magazine I bought a few days ago but I never touched it for the fear of not reading my text. Now that I've read one chapter in advance already, it's time for my MAGAZINE!