The Realm of Politics
American Politics from 1800s to finally the 21st century soon, is not as bad as it seems. Of course the change of presidents after every 2 terms can really get you confused. Well, Singapore only has had 2 elected presidents thus far? What seemed dry and boring was pepped to life with videos, impersonations and interesting trivia.
Somehow, I'm already feeling the tiny bit of sadness that lessons with Dr. "Muscle-man", erm, ok I meant Dr. Musselman will come to an end soon. Seriously, professors like that will RARELY rock you to sleep with lullabies. Trust me, unless you didn't sleep the night before. Oh well, as the cliche phrase goes - all good things must come to an end.
Nonetheless, this module will wrap up nicely all (TWO) my politics modules, with a greater sense of knowledge of what happened around U-S and the world.
Wednesday is a public holiday! Heh heh heh. Tuition galore but still have time to catch up with a fellow toast-master over dinner. I NEED A NICE DINNER.