Sunday, May 18, 2008


Drifted off to sleep at 3+ am last night after a late night chat,

And 8.30am I'm awake.

Guess I've been waking up early these few days,

8.30am? Already in school eating breakfast,

So the body says wake up.

Furthermore, can't really sleep in peace with thoughts flooding my mind.

Nice thoughts, but keeps me awake.
It happened in a flash.

It's still taking time to sink in.

But if it's meant to be, it will be.

Right Mr. Beasley? (:

Tug and tug my strings away... ... ...
With the league of events happening,

School, essays, tuition, hot weather and the queasy feelings,

Just about what it takes to get me to lose appetite and spill soup on myself.

Just not quite me.

Someone give me a hug please.