Daily Ramblings
After turning in late yesterday night, and having to wake up before the break of dawn is trying. I was almost mute in class today except for a little while or a couple of sentences. Knowing that tutoring comes after lessons is worse. I just wanted to go home, slump into bed and snooze like nobody's business. In the end I did snooze, for an hour and a little more before going to tutor that student who left home for a week over a quarrel with her dad.
Today's pretty productive since after I got home, with home-cooked laksa for dinner, managed to complete my reading with much reluctance, prepared certificates for the speech contest tomorrow and amend the program sheet 324094839028 times and yet it's not perfected. I'm lazy to change, so I'll just leave it.
Today's discussion on domestic violence stirred some emotions, not that I'm abused or something, but just something that happens at home. I just found myself clenching my fist after I snapped back to reality. Oh well, that's innate hatred or internalized unhappiness?
I wonder if it's coincidence but after someone tagged my makeover picture on my facebook, suddenly this guy comes along and starts chatting to me after a long time. Well, that picture is idealized, it does not happen everyday in real life, I don't wake up in the morning looking like that. Do you know how much powder was there on my face? Yikes, I don't even want to remember. Seriously, the prettiest person in the world will grow old one day - would you be able to take the wrinkles then?
On a lighter note, I miss him that teeny weeny bit.