Ins and Outs.
No mood to upload pictures here or on facebook... There are things weighing on my mind. Anyway...
Finally tried the Japanese themed food court at Northpoint. Hmm, at about half the price of restaurant food, expect lower expectations. Not horrible, edible though. Then headed to Bakerzin for some dessert. Warm chocolate cake - way chocolatey, could do it once in a while. For now, I am still in love with ice cream.
Tried to get started on my assignment today, surfed the net, read the newspapers and even went to the library to get some ideas but to no avail yet. Bleah. Come on, get the motivation from within.
Tuition's gonna start full swing from next week onwards, YES to the in-coming cash, NO to the out-going that repays the loan. I need more students to repay the entire blood-sucking loan by this year. Finish paying and I'm almost outta debt.
Did some calculations just now, and finances seem okay - but no change of IT gadgets if the loan's gotta be repaid this year. Hang in there my beloved PC, I still need you.
The dream seems further away each time I punch the calculator buttons to get a sense of current finances. So what's stopping me from pursuing my dream? FINANCES. Irritating. I have a feeling that by end-2009, I'd probably have less than 4 digits in my bank account, including the decimal point. But I shan't let that happen - with hard work comes digits in the bank account.
Oh, this education sure didn't come easy.
All of a sudden, I miss Serene. Serene, come back soon! I miss the heart-to-heart talks already.