Saturday, December 13, 2008

A Fabulous Day with Cooling Winds

First thing in the morning, meet Donnie, our favourite bus driver who has Elfy's ear muffs! He's really nice with plenty of stories to tell and a sense of humour.

Today lessons end early at 12nn. Apparently, Friday's half day for Oklahomans, so from 12 to 1 we had some time for camera whoring... Oh, here's where we've been for the past 2 weeks, Petree College of Arts and the Sciences. We decided to cut off the words because we couldn't capture it. Hee hee.

This is our campus. The tower of OCU and huge spaces in between buildings. This is university man.

And we found the "main gate" of OCU! Well, OCU ain't fenced up, so it's really an open concept kinda campus. So just behind the "main gate" are the main roads already.

Again, inspired by classmates taking jump shots, we decided to join in the fun too. Successful jumps!

Then when it was time to head to the bus, we made Donnie jump with us too. But he gave up after a while because jump shots take a couple of times to capture. Haha. It was really fun.

But man, I can jump high!

After lunch at Macs from opposite the residency, we took some pictures since it was another warm day, say about 3 degrees celsius. Nice day for a walk really.

And to Joanna too, I'm reluctant to leave... This place is way less crowded and way friendlier to live in.

Mum, can we live in Oklahoma City for a while?