TV Scripting
One more module conquered.
Television Scripting over for good.
Politics (again) up next. Oh, I'm not repeating a module,
Just that it's another politics module.
But all's fine, should be better than the previous politics one.
At least the textbook is coloured!
Damn excited, like 60+ more days to go?
F-U-C-K-E-D U-P & S-C-R-E-W-E-D U-P
What an eventful Saturday?!
After the never-ending exam paper,
I had to R-U-S-H home just to get some bloody coloured cards.
One LOOOOOONG bus ride, another feeder bus ride home,
Getting knocked by a oncoming bicycle and getting bruised from my home gate.
Didn't even have time to remove my shoes that I had to walk into the house with my shoes on.
Rushed out again, took another feeder bus, then a MRT ride.
Only to rush myself, and get myself pissed for getting named as "c-h-a-i-r" without knowing.
If you got P-O-O-R organizational skills,
Don't just push things to me by simply changing the names and tasking people with things last minute.
I don't have the obligation to help you.
And even if you needed help, you could C-A-L-L to ask or at least INFORM me.
Last time I'm gonna help you.
I think I've done my job in A-R-E-A S-1.
I pushed away appointments to attend meetings that you cancelled.
I nicely booked a venue FREE-OF-CHARGE for you.
What more do you want?
I am young, but not naive enough to be bossed around by you.
I was never taught such last minute things since my leadership training in secondary school.