Trust and Transparency
It is said that trust is one of the building blocks of a relationship. Indeed it is. However, it is not always easy to trust someone fully, or at least not when you haven't known each other for long. Then is it me that is overly-suspicious or it's just that trust ain't easy to earn? Well, I believe in the latter.
If you have been a victim of being cheated on, then it really isn't easy for one to give off trust just like that. Perhaps sometimes we should let our guard down, leave things to nature, follow our heart and just believe. But when 'logic and reason' comes in, it can leave you quite frustrated.
Similarly, transparency is probably also one of important factors in a relationship. Sometimes we wonder if 100% transparency is the best thing. On the surface, yes. It leaves with no doubts and suspicions. But what if something that your partner is going to know will cause a potential huge quarrel? Is it worth the hide to cause less distress to each other and let it prick your conscience or spill it all out and live with a clear conscience?
Haha. Sounds like an extra-martial affair eh?
Well, I think that since a commitment has been made, then the trust and transparency should be there. At least that will eliminate a whole load of problems tied with lies.
These are just some opinions of mine after some thoughts. Such opinions are subjective. If you feel strongly about what I've said, don't be. I am entitled to post how I feel, and I won't impose them on you.