Grades Galore
Results are out once again. This time much faster. Well, results are as expected, did relatively well. At the upper end of the bell curve, but could do better I guess. Ok, I sound depressed. Probably disappointed because when I told my mum I got my result, she didn't bother to ask further. Maybe because he is around. If you don't bother, it's alright. I can throw confetti above my head and wave poms poms for myself.
Here it is mum, I'm averaging A- for the past few modules despite my busy hectic schedules. Don't ask me why there's a minus sign at the end, why can't you say, "A job well done!"? Be proud that I'm averaging A-, instead of asking why I didn't score an A. Fuck.
Sometimes, it becomes depressing. I'm out to score, I'm not out to just pass. I'm ace-ing. Why can't you be happy for me? Yes yes yes, go ahead and spend the little time you have with him. I'll still sticking out there well, on my own.
And to myself, I think you did well with juggling so many things. Keep it up. I will be proud of you when you finally wear your graduation robe and mortar board. You deserve more than just a pat on your back.