Results are out again
The result for 'Research & Writing for the Academic Community' module is out,
Quite a mouthful eh?
Well, I must say the 'A' streak is gone, this time to settle for the next grade.
I'm disappointed, and I know the reason why,
Although this grade isn't that bad afterall.
I'm an innate perfectionist, and imperfection is like a sin to me.
Well maybe not that strong a word,
But imperfection is unforgivable as long as it can be perfected.
Well being perfect isn't a bad thing because you will always strive for the best,
But you must also remember to take things easy when they don't come out perfect.
That's the hard part - the disappointment.
Well, I'm still in school and school's the best place to learn this,
To cope with perfections and disappointments.