So if you are wondering what I do in Toastmasters, let some of these pictures enlighten you.
We support our representatives at speech contests and watch the best in action.
Speeches of such aren't boring, they are entertaining and only last up to 7 minutes each.
Whenever we have special occasions like 'Installation Nite' to officially induct the in-coming EXCO, we don't forget to have fun like lucky draws as such.
The man might be old, but he has wide contacts... Like the president of my school is a personal friend of his...
And he owns several companies... and is a grassroot leader.
We also attend conventions and have contests there, and get to meet the champions!
We always never forget to have fun and take pictures as evidence.
We too conduct workshops for our own members and for the CC people and then gather together to eat drink and be merry!
Of course, friendships forged and to last for a long time.