Sunday, December 31, 2006

End of 2006

2006 is coming to an end in about less than 7 hours.

And we always say "it passed with the blink of an eye".

It was a nice start of 2006 with the countdown in Malaysia with my relatives,

And spending CNY.

Receiving 'A' level results,

Getting into universities weren't that nice though.

But it was a good break before starting school almost end of the year in October,

Kicking it off with lovely classmates and lecturers.

And the year ends nicely with my home getting renovated,

With a better than expected result for Journalism.

Resolutions, I shall skip 'cause there's no point in saying and yet not doing.

If I do inculcate a good habit next year or decide to work harder then good for me,

Or else, just keep the word 'resolutions' away for now.


Happy new year everyone!

May 2007 be a good year for you!